October 2014

Recent jobs have taken TEC Offshores’ experts worldwide: work in Australia and China was successfully completed following which they travelled to Mexico. We’re hoping they can return to headquarters for a de-brief before travelling out to Alabama in the US where we’re looking forward to our next job starting shortly. Just because some of us are travelling doesn’t mean your questions, enquiries and calls for assistance won’t be answered – TEC Offshore are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

Inspiring Future Engineers
TEC Offshores’ offices are given over to the future generation this afternoon when Gordon and David make a presentation to students from Breadalbane Academy. The students, who have all expressed an interest in engineering, will hear about the requirements, benefits and satisfaction of becoming a professional engineer. Drawing from their wealth of experience, TEC Offshores’ directors will give the students an insight into what it takes to reach the top in their chosen field. TEC Offshore is delighted to offer this facility to the students.